I've been working as an attorney for almost two years at a small firm. The senior staff attorney is a turd (think Eric Cartman in South Park "Respect my authorita!") and I've named him SFT for Short Fat Turd. He started off reading a printout of an email on my desk, from the owner to me, and claimed he was looking for candy and happened to read the email. It's been rocky ever since. Today he reached an all time high. SFT is in charge of civil litigation. There is another attorney, a managing partner, in charge of BK. I've been trying to move away from SFT and get into bankruptcy. Changes were in place and civil litigation is moving to another office. BK is staying where it is at. SFT and the associates (no managing partner) had lunch together today. SFT talked about billing and case load. He pointed out that my case load was a bit light. Me: I know, and it's my understanding was that I would do less civil and more BK, BK is not on my case list. If you want, I will put my BK stuff on my case list if u want to review it. SFT: OK b/c I'm worried that you don't have enough work. Me, again: I will put my BK stuff on the case list. SFT then talked about the new office and that "we", as in all of us, were moving in May. Me: You know I'm not moving, right? Him: What? Me: I'm not moving and I'm staying and working with BK as [managing partner's] second. SFT: That's news to me. Me: Well, I talked to [managing partner] and he said I'm staying as his second. SFT: Well, he's not your boss and it's not up to him..... Me: thinking but not saying: he's a managing partner and you're not so I think you're wrong. SFT: ...so do you want to move or do you want to stay? Me: Stay. [awkward silence] Then another associate asked about hobbies or something to change the subject. It was pretty awesomely awkward.
It gets better. After lunch, I'm working at my desk and the managing partner comes into my office and says: you're moving. Me: What? Him: Downstairs to be closer to BK, so that you'll be in the mix of things. Me: I'm not moving to the other office, right? Him: No. Downstairs. Me: Phew! Are you moving me now b/c of what happened at lunch? Him: What happened at lunch? I then ratted out SFT. I'm moving by the end of this week to BK!!! HA!
Good for you! And way to go on becoming BK's second!