Today, as you may all be aware, was the last workday before Valentine's Day, which is on Sunday. Our law firm has multiple offices across the southwestern US. An associate who worked at the same office I did till about a month ago, moved to another state and is now managing partner of an office that the Firm opened there. The new office consists of him, his wife (not an attorney), and another attorney. I did not get along with him when he was at our office. He was a condescending asshole and a cousin (by marriage) to SFT.
This managing partner in another state sent this mass email out today titled "Flower Power" and he wrote "I sent my wife flowers for Valentine's Day but there is no one else here to tell her how pretty the flowers are or how lucky she is. Can you guys tell her that her flowers are pretty and that she is lucky?"
Are you fucking kidding me? WTF? SRSLY? So, yeah, being the brat that I am, responded to ALL, "She deserves more than flowers for putting up with you."
I should be more careful but I just can't help myself. A few others were polite and responded accordingly; most did not respond at all (well, they did not respond to ALL if they did). Maybe next time, if there is a next time and I don't get fired (and I know how much clout he has, which is not much b/c I draft the intra-office contracts -- and as a side note: HA! I had to take the second semester of contracts twice!) he will know better than to cc me on such nonsense.