J and I have been house hunting. It's exciting and depressing at the same time. We've qualified for a loan. We are looking at properties on larger lots. Most of the houses we've looked at all need work, a lot of work, not just a touch of paint. So, opting not to spend the next ten years on a money pit, we are still looking.
On a side note, our realtor was referred by the manager of our other office. I (gullibly) though she was actually referring him to me b/c she though he was good, reliable, etc. Well, so far he has been great but I've since found out that they are dating. She showed up at a house we were looking and at first I thought it was just kinda odd. Duh! AND not only are they dating but he is the soon to be ex-husband of an employee at the office I work at. And I'm helping that employee with her divorce! Small world.